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Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass and we fly away. (Psalm 90:10)

Thursday’s are my favorite day of the week nowadays: the anticipation of the weekend coming, the week not yet gone. We go through our days wishing them over and looking forward to Friday and the weekend. Then the weekend is gone, in a blur, and it’s Monday again. We go from Monday to Friday and back to Monday. We must slow down and enjoy each day… Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday. Each day bring its own blessing, its own opportunity start anew, to live. Before we know it, our days pass and “we fly away.” Why waste today, no matter what day of the week it is, dreaming of a tomorrow which is not promised? Live. Today.

There is a way

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 16:25 NIV)


When we let ourselves be guided by our desires and by what feels right, measuring it by the standards of the world and not against God’s Word, we will inevitably end up on the wrong path… A path that leads to death.

Lord I am hungry for Your Word and guidance. Please give me the wisdom and strength to do what’s right, to walk in Your ways. Let everything I think, say and do be pleasing to You, to Your honor and glory! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Hold My Hand

“Later, when Moses’ arms became tired, the men put a large rock under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands—Aaron on one side and Hur on the other. They kept his hands steady until the sun went down.” (Exodus 17:12 NCV)

photo (10)So often we try to live and do life on our own. No matter how great or difficult the task, we believe ourselves to be completely self-sufficient. And though God is always with us and will empower us to complete his assignments, we need to realize that it won’t always be supernaturally. Sometimes His timely and sufficient help will come in the form of someone holding our hand.

Lets not disregard when others are willing to help, even small and simple gesture can help us realize the mission, make the dream a reality, achieve the impossible!

Father, thank You for offering Your help in so many ways. I know I can’t do things on my own. I need Your strength and guidance. Though I think myself capable and independent, I realize that sometimes I need someone to simply hold my hand. Please surround me with people who are willing to help no matter how big or small the task. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earthy.” (Genesis 9:16 NIV)

photoGod made a covenant to never destroy all living creatures with water as He did when He flooded the earth and only saved Noah and his family. The rainbow serves as a visual sign of this promise; but when we see a rainbow in the sky, though awed by its beauty, we very seldom remember what it stands for.

The Bible is full of promises, most of which have no visual sign to act as a reminder for us. Yet, it’s imperative that we get to know them, learn them and claim them for ourselves. Studying and meditating on God’s word is the only way to do so. I’m awful at memorizing Bible verses and passages, yet I have seen that by faithfully reading and studying, things stick. I might not be able to recite a verse on command but I find that when I need a word from the Lord, a seemingly forgotten and appropriate scripture comes to my mind.

As this New Year begins, I intend to spend more time in God’s word, not only reading, but contemplating, internalizing, and putting it into action in my life. If I need to, I will set visual reminders for myself of my covenant with God (stickies, notes on my calendar – whatever it takes).

Father, thank You for sending the rainbow after the rain as a sign of Your covenant with man. May it also be a reminder to us that You are faithful and fulfill each and every promise. Help me to always make spending time with You a priority, not only by studying Your word, but also in prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Why His and Not Mine?

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

024 Cain worked on the land and presented some of its fruits as an offering to God while Abel offered fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. Cain’s anger rose as God approved of Abel’s gift and not his own.  He saw God’s rejection and ignored the lesson.

God is very clear in His teaching to Cain:
1) In doing what is right, day by day, choice by choice, we will be accepted by God.
2) When we do not do what’s right, evil crouches at our door and if we give in to sin, we are defeated.

But God doesn’t leave it at that; through Jesus, He provides a way for us to be victorious. We not only can resist sin, but rule over it, with the strength God gives us as we seek him in everything we do, every decision we make.

Cain gave in to his sin, his anger, and killed his brother, even after God had lovingly shown him the way.

Father, I praise you because you make it possible for me to rule over sin. Because Christ has already won, all I need to do is claim the victory for myself. Thank you for your patience and love for me and help me in this year to be victorious like never before, through the strength and wisdom you provide as I seek you every step of the way. Thank you Father for giving me victory and freedom through my Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).

The Right Path

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

Transformation equals change. To renew is to restore, to begin again. As I read this, I am faced with the choice to hold on to my preconceptions, to my way of doing and seeing things, to the knowledge and beliefs I’ve accumulated through my life; or I can go back, clearing all notions that have been steadily ingrained in my mind and replacing them with the truth that I can only find in God and in His Word.

So often we struggle to discern God’s will for us and yet we fail to do what we must to be in touch with Him, with His ways. Spending time studying His Word and in conversation (prayer) with Him is the only way to renew our mind, and in doing so we learn to “test and approve,” to know whether we’re walking in His way or simply walking away.

Whenever I am faced with a decision that I try to reason into being right, whether because it feels right, or simply because there is really nothing wrong with it, I am reminded that it doesn’t matter if it “seems right” to me. In the end, it might just lead “to death” (Proverbs 14:12). Sometimes I can find the answer and know whether my decision is wrong by studying what God has to say about it in the Bible. Other times, it’s even more personal, because though it might not be something really wrong, it might simply be wrong for me and I will only learn of this by being in communion, through prayer, with Him who has the perfect plan and will for my life.

Lord, I want to walk in Your will for my life. I want to follow Your ways and always remain in the path You choose for me. Help me to hunger for your Word and help me to make time in prayer with you a priority in my life, a constant conversation with You. Praise you because You hear me and lead me.

Do I Have To?

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Serving others is a gift that some of us perform quite easily yet it’s hard for others. Jesus Himself served each of the disciples and every one of us in a way that none of us can repay. He didn’t just command us to serve others, but served as an example of what servitude should be like as He gave His life as ransom for many.

I believe service and love are interrelated. I have found that when I love someone, I want to serve when I see a need. But sometimes the person who needs the help is someone who you might not love, maybe even someone who you don’t know. That’s when it becomes somewhat harder for me. I want to help, but I’m afraid the help offered is going to come off as offensive or insulting or even like meddling. No matter, I have to overcome that shyness or even fear and do what I must, what Jesus so lovingly has modeled for me.

Ultimately, I know that when I serve with a humble heart, no matter who it is I help, I will be blessed and love will be a side benefit of my attitude and willingness, though at times the decision might initially be hard.

Jesus, thank you for setting the example, for giving us the pattern we must follow.  Forgive me for the times that I resist. Change my heart and always give me the willingness to help and to serve.

A Lighter Load

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)

What does it mean to follow Jesus, to take upon myself His yoke? I think that as we start learning, praying, listening and obeying Christ we find a smoother path to follow. I believe that as we apply His teachings to our everyday life, our future becomes brighter.

It sounds simple, but it can be hard at times. As we come to Him with our worries and concerns, He takes them off our shoulders and gives us His “yoke” instead, and promises it will be easy and light. I think sometimes the problem is not following Jesus; we certainly want the lighter load. Turning over ourselves to Him is not as easy. Our own yoke is familiar and though all wrong for us, it feels so comfortable that we’re afraid to let it go.

But let it go we must, in order to free ourselves to follow Him who calls. In that way, with our hands and shoulders, with our hearts and mind, we can hold on to the yoke He places on us, following His gentle teachings and move forward in the rest that He provides.

Father, take my worries, my pain, my weariness today. Take all that I am. I want instead to take up Your yoke today, as you gently teach and guide me in Your ways.

Counting My Blessings

“My whole being, praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindnesses.”
(Psalm 103:2)

Me, my beautiful daughter and my best friend: blessed just by being together!

I’ve tried, without success, to keep a gratitude journal at various times. It’s a simple idea: review your day as it comes to an end, and write down at least five things you’re grateful for. God is very generous towards us, but the many little daily blessings get overlooked in our desire to see big flashy ones. We need to be intentional in our daily walk to hear and see the good that comes our way, thanks to a kind and caring God.

Today I’ll share with you some of my blessings, a sampling of His kindnesses to me in the midst of my busy life:

1. Though I haven’t been able to share dinner with my husband these past couple of weeks (he’s temporarily working nights), we’re able to share breakfast before I head to work in the morning;
2. I have good and faithful friends;
3. I have been approved, with short notice, for a week leave to visit my parents, and especially my mother, who’s been going through hard emotional times;
4. My busy work days are smoother and lighter thanks to young volunteers who are eager to help; and
5. The icing on the cake: yesterday, my daughter who is away at college, called me just to tell me that she misses me.

Thank You Father for your many kindnesses. Help me to never forget, but especially remember them when things seem dark or hopeless. Praise You for Your love, patience and forgiveness.

The Hug of a Friend

“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:27-28 NASB)

This is such a hard topic to write about. Our nature calls for hating when we’re hated, for hurting when we’re hurt, for cursing when we’re cursed, for mistreating when we’re mistreated. I think it’s a defense mechanism ingrained in us by the flesh. We respond by instinct, by an irrational desire for vengeance.

I’m blessed that God has given me a forgiving disposition though. Some even say that I’m too forgiving. Praise God that I am!

Way back… a lifetime ago, I had a very special childhood friend. We were friends through elementary, middle and high school. We were friends as each embarked in our adulthood. Somewhere along, our lives took a turn and we found ourselves in different places, separated by time and distance.  But as often we find in life, we came full circle to face what once was left behind. Our friendship was rekindled and we spent some time basking in this comfortable and familiar relationship, which this time, sadly came to an abrupt and painful end.

Betrayal. Disappointment. Pain.

But, love is so much stronger! Eventually the pain subsided and my ego found comfort in the Lord. I prayed for my dear friend, I prayed that I would have the chance to show that I didn’t harbor hate, that I wasn’t even mad.

We did not speak again for ten years. Count them – T E N years… and it was a miracle, an answered prayer, that we met again. The arms that warmly embraced me during our reunion were full of love and gratitude. I’ve been hugged many times in my life, but I will never forget the silent conversation which filled that magical moment.

All that to say that no matter how difficult it might be to forgive, to love, to pray and to bless those who have hurt us, even if we were not to find satisfaction and gratification in a reunion like the one described above, our loving Father is waiting for us to respond and awaits with open arms to bless and reward us as we obey and bring glory to His name.

Praise You Father, for giving me a forgiving heart. Help me as I struggle day-to-day to make this evident in the way I treat those who mistreat or hurt me. I pray for  A, J & E today – please bring them to Yourself and to a way of life which will honor and glorify You.