Tag Archive | Grace

Hold My Hand

“Later, when Moses’ arms became tired, the men put a large rock under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands—Aaron on one side and Hur on the other. They kept his hands steady until the sun went down.” (Exodus 17:12 NCV)

photo (10)So often we try to live and do life on our own. No matter how great or difficult the task, we believe ourselves to be completely self-sufficient. And though God is always with us and will empower us to complete his assignments, we need to realize that it won’t always be supernaturally. Sometimes His timely and sufficient help will come in the form of someone holding our hand.

Lets not disregard when others are willing to help, even small and simple gesture can help us realize the mission, make the dream a reality, achieve the impossible!

Father, thank You for offering Your help in so many ways. I know I can’t do things on my own. I need Your strength and guidance. Though I think myself capable and independent, I realize that sometimes I need someone to simply hold my hand. Please surround me with people who are willing to help no matter how big or small the task. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

No Looking Back

“But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.” (Genesis 19:26 NIV)

Parts of one of my very full closets - yikes!

Parts of one of my overflowing closets – yikes!

God sent Lot and his family away before destroying the city where they lived and commanded that they not look back (see Genesis 19:1-26). But Lot’s wife did. She disobeyed God and it cost her her life, all for one last look at the place and the things which she was so attached to that it hurt to leave behind.

Recently I wrote about the possibility of moving back to Miami (see this post). The decision was made a few days ago and we are now in the crazy process of relocating. One of the many challenges we face is the fact that we’re moving from our three bedroom house into one small room with one small closet. As you can imagine, many things must go and in all honesty, letting go is not an easy process.

I’m not proud to admit this, but my husband and I (mostly I) had three closet full of clothes, about 80 pairs of shoes combined (again, mostly mine) and uncountable other stuff. After some closed-eyes type cleaning, we’re down to one manageable, very loosely filled closet!

How liberating!

And it’s only the beginning!

Whether it’s material possessions, past circumstances or fear of the future, we must let go. When God leads, everything will work out for our good and to His glory.

Lord, lead the way. Help me as I start on this journey not to look behind to my possessions or what used to be. Help me to look forward to what’s to come, to fulfilling Your purpose in my life, and thus find peace and contentment. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3)

SONY DSCI have recently been presented with an unexpected opportunity and on its heels, possible bad news; unrelated, yet the bad is a definite influence on the opportunity. As with every decision, there are pros and cons and sometimes the head and the heart are in opposition.

In our search for a quiet place to live, good schools, less traffic and commotion and financial stability we moved our family from Miami to Ocala six years ago. Now the kids are grown and off to school in a different city. The company I initially worked for closed its doors and I was forced to find work in Gainesville, 50 miles away from my home. Though I thoroughly enjoy my job and the daily drive is beautiful (visit my other blog, Just My Echo, for photo proof), the days are very long. To top it off, because the housing market’s demise, my house is worth less than half of what we paid.

Enter opportunity, followed by doubt and indecision: Recently I had a job offer back in Miami. I initially disregarded this opportunity but then I learned that from two paralegals in the office, they might be letting one of us go in the summer.

I am waiting for specifics on the job offer and plan to speak to my current boss before making a final decision, but home (Miami) calls.  My parents, who are now in their 70s, live there and it’s the place where I grew up and lived most of my life. Yet, I’m very afraid that going back is wrong!

My prayer is that God gives us the wisdom to make the correct decision. Will you join me?



“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4 NIV)

Broken HeartAs I was driving to work one day last week, an overwhelming sense of mourning overtook me: mourning for broken marriages, for families torn apart; for the pain we cause ourselves and those we love.  Bad decisions, wrong choices and in an instant we turn our dreams into disappointments. We become so concerned with happiness and freedom that we disregard and neglect what we do have.

Divorce, depression, attempted suicide and mental instability are just a few of the things that plague people around me, that have touched the lives of those I know. As for me, I’m well aware of my loss – I was so sure of myself, yet I destroyed my first marriage with my own hands, broke my family apart. God has afforded me a second chance, but I live with the consequences each and every day, as do my children through no fault of their own.

It seems the future is surrounded by insecurities and doubt. The one thing I’m sure of is that I can’t be sure of anything, especially myself! Only God is faithful. Only He is true.

Dear Lord, all this loss…  I mourn for myself and those I love.  I mourn for the broken families, for the children, for the pain which remains even if eventually we make it to the other side and are “happy.”  I pray for those struggling in their marriages, for those who are looking for a way out, and for the happy marriages too.  Help us each to grow in intimacy, love, patience, understanding and friendship.  Help us to commit to our spouse and our marriage and no matter what, help us to always work out our differences. You’re the one who heals, please heal the broken and despairing hearts.  Thank You Lord, for second chances.  Thank You for Your love and patience, Your mercy and grace.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

What is Good

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8 NIV)

The requirement the Lord places on us are so much easier than the ones we place on ourselves. When we walk with Him they become clear and with His help, they can be achieved.

To Act Justly

In dealing with any person or situation, we need to look at it through God’s eyes and not let our own feelings and emotions color our actions. We need to be fair and honest in judging others as well as ourselves and act according to God’s ways.

To Love Mercy

How can we not? God’s mercy toward us is immeasurable and totally undeserved. We receive his mercy freely and that is how we must show mercy to others. Holding grudges and resentment does no one any good, especially ourselves. Though not always easy, we must forgive and move on.

To Walk Humbly With Your God

We must acknowledge God’s greatness, His kindness and love, His mercy. We must also acknowledge our weaknesses, our faults, our sin and above all, our desperate need of Him! And, with this attitude, we must continually walk with Him, in His presence and in His ways.

My God, I love you with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). Help me to always see Your greatness and my need of You. Praise you for your mercy and love – though undeserved, I am so grateful and humbled. Thank you for your forgiveness. Teach me Your ways, so that I may always walk in them.

No, No, No

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV)

I remember babysitting my nephew “D” years ago, when he could barely walk or talk. Whenever D did something his mom didn’t like, she would softly slap the back of his hand and say “no no no.” On one of those occasions when he spent a night with me, D decided that turning the side table lamp on and off was lots of fun. I didn’t agree and kept moving him away saying no. By now, D knew better, but I don’t think he cared.  Every time I moved him away, D returned to the lamp to turn the switch on and off, on and off. And each time, while D wobbled up to the lamp, he kept slapping his own chubby little hand, saying “no no no.”

How sad to have to admit that I act the same way sometimes: though I know better, I keep on doing what I shouldn’t! Then I find it difficult to approach God. While I know that He tells us to approach Him with confidence, it is hard when I have so clearly failed again and again. I worry that my repeat sin will harden my heart towards repentance, that my stubborn rebellion will once and for all build a wall that I won’t be able to knock down!

Father I need you! I know I am far from being the woman You created me to be. But I know You will not give up because You started a good work in me and will carry it out to completion (Philippians 1:6). Please, don’t let my sin and rebellion harden my heart. Open my ears to hear Your rebukes when I do wrong and my heart to always return to You who are the only one who can rescue me. Praise you Lord, because where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (Romans 5:20). Lord, I don’t make these requests because I think I deserve them, I only dare to make them because of Your great mercy! (Daniel 9:18).

Who’s My Enemy?

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV)

This is a great reminder and reality check as to what I’m up against. So many times I see people as my enemies – whether it’s because of personal or business opposition, jealousy, anger, unfairness, or even temptation presented in the guise of a friend. I need to remember that these people are as broken and in need of a Savior as myself. The real enemy is the spiritual forces that call to my human weaknesses and desires.

Sometimes it is so hard to do what is good and right, and instead, though I don’t want to, I end up doing evil… and keep on doing it!(Romans 7:19) Like a plant which unexpectedly grows in a seemingly impossible place, so does the enemy sneak into my life while my guard is down and when I most feel secure.  I need to understand who the real enemy is and must run the Only One who can rescue me!

Thank you Father, for rescuing me from this body that is subject to death! Thank You – God, the One who delivers me, through Jesus Christ my Lord! (Romans 7:24, 25)

How do you keep vigilant and recognize the enemy as it prowls in its many disguises, ready to confuse and mislead you?

Counting My Blessings

“My whole being, praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindnesses.”
(Psalm 103:2)

Me, my beautiful daughter and my best friend: blessed just by being together!

I’ve tried, without success, to keep a gratitude journal at various times. It’s a simple idea: review your day as it comes to an end, and write down at least five things you’re grateful for. God is very generous towards us, but the many little daily blessings get overlooked in our desire to see big flashy ones. We need to be intentional in our daily walk to hear and see the good that comes our way, thanks to a kind and caring God.

Today I’ll share with you some of my blessings, a sampling of His kindnesses to me in the midst of my busy life:

1. Though I haven’t been able to share dinner with my husband these past couple of weeks (he’s temporarily working nights), we’re able to share breakfast before I head to work in the morning;
2. I have good and faithful friends;
3. I have been approved, with short notice, for a week leave to visit my parents, and especially my mother, who’s been going through hard emotional times;
4. My busy work days are smoother and lighter thanks to young volunteers who are eager to help; and
5. The icing on the cake: yesterday, my daughter who is away at college, called me just to tell me that she misses me.

Thank You Father for your many kindnesses. Help me to never forget, but especially remember them when things seem dark or hopeless. Praise You for Your love, patience and forgiveness.

Never say never

Do you know that if you continue down that path you will fall?  Who – me?  Of course NOT!  I’ve been in that pit before, through those obstacles, and He brought me out.  Now I know the Truth.  I am strong.  I will never fall again!  THUD!!!

Wouldn’t it be nice if all pits and obstacles in our path where obvious!  Unfortunately, even the familiar and obvious ones sometimes appear unexpectedly, blocking our way or surprising us into a fall.

Very sure of myself, I was walking along, thinking that I might have lots of sins to worry about – but “this one” would not make me fall again.  And yet, it did.  How did it happen?  Why?  I’m not sure I fully understand.  Thought I knew I needed Jesus, I was very sure of myself.  In the inner struggle of good v. evil, evil won.  I won… or should I say – lost?

I kept saying to myself that I believed I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and yet kept walking on my own, in weakness and in darkness.  Desperation overwhelmed me.  Finally, realizing that I was not able, that my strength and will were not enough, I came to Jesus.  I kept asking for miracles, for God’s showy intervention.  But it was in the stillness that He showed up and freed me.  I almost didn’t see it happen – it happened so quietly.  I almost missed it – it happened so slowly.  Through ordinary means – it happened.  He once again took hold of me and pulled me out of the pit, cleared my path and led me to victory!

I learned that I can stumble and fall again (and again) in the same pit or a different one, at any time.  Pits are everywhere and obstacles come in different shapes and sizes.  I need to be vigilant and when a hindrance appears, I need to climb, scurry, jump – whatever is necessary to stay on God’s path.  If a pit appears… and I do fall, I cannot dwell in its comfortable darkness for it will be much worse than if I hurt myself getting out.  Freedom is at my reach, through the grace and mercy God offers me… In His way.  In His time.

Glowing Within

“If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever– the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you… The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:15-17, 26 NIV)

It was hard for the fire to get going.  The logs were humid and did not want to catch on.  Then the fire caught, it spread, it soared.  The orange-red flames jumped and danced.  The logs glowed from within!  My mind marveled at the sight in front of my eyes – the once unremarkable logs, now radiated with light and beauty. My thoughts wandered to God… to His Holy Spirit.

All of us who repent and are baptized in the name of Jesus, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2:38).  He is in us, to make us stronger, to guide and teach us – an ever-present and intimate God who wants to share in our every experience.  The problem is that, as with the humid logs, we resist embracing this Gift.  We ignore His prompting and guidance.  We stubbornly want to keep control of our lives and do things in our own strength – not realizing that by doing so, we limit our progress and diminish our victories.

The road to victory is one – obedience.  Only with the Holy Spirit’s guidance will we be able to follow it as we trudge through our days and face the many challenges we must go through.

Dear Father, consume me with the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Help me to relent my stubbornness, to obey Your commands and  to allow You to work in and through me.  Fill me with joy and peace as I trust in You, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).  Let Your love glow within me so that others might see Your beauty through an otherwise unremarkable me.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.