Tag Archive | Jesus

There is a way

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 16:25 NIV)


When we let ourselves be guided by our desires and by what feels right, measuring it by the standards of the world and not against God’s Word, we will inevitably end up on the wrong path… A path that leads to death.

Lord I am hungry for Your Word and guidance. Please give me the wisdom and strength to do what’s right, to walk in Your ways. Let everything I think, say and do be pleasing to You, to Your honor and glory! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

No Looking Back

“But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.” (Genesis 19:26 NIV)

Parts of one of my very full closets - yikes!

Parts of one of my overflowing closets – yikes!

God sent Lot and his family away before destroying the city where they lived and commanded that they not look back (see Genesis 19:1-26). But Lot’s wife did. She disobeyed God and it cost her her life, all for one last look at the place and the things which she was so attached to that it hurt to leave behind.

Recently I wrote about the possibility of moving back to Miami (see this post). The decision was made a few days ago and we are now in the crazy process of relocating. One of the many challenges we face is the fact that we’re moving from our three bedroom house into one small room with one small closet. As you can imagine, many things must go and in all honesty, letting go is not an easy process.

I’m not proud to admit this, but my husband and I (mostly I) had three closet full of clothes, about 80 pairs of shoes combined (again, mostly mine) and uncountable other stuff. After some closed-eyes type cleaning, we’re down to one manageable, very loosely filled closet!

How liberating!

And it’s only the beginning!

Whether it’s material possessions, past circumstances or fear of the future, we must let go. When God leads, everything will work out for our good and to His glory.

Lord, lead the way. Help me as I start on this journey not to look behind to my possessions or what used to be. Help me to look forward to what’s to come, to fulfilling Your purpose in my life, and thus find peace and contentment. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earthy.” (Genesis 9:16 NIV)

photoGod made a covenant to never destroy all living creatures with water as He did when He flooded the earth and only saved Noah and his family. The rainbow serves as a visual sign of this promise; but when we see a rainbow in the sky, though awed by its beauty, we very seldom remember what it stands for.

The Bible is full of promises, most of which have no visual sign to act as a reminder for us. Yet, it’s imperative that we get to know them, learn them and claim them for ourselves. Studying and meditating on God’s word is the only way to do so. I’m awful at memorizing Bible verses and passages, yet I have seen that by faithfully reading and studying, things stick. I might not be able to recite a verse on command but I find that when I need a word from the Lord, a seemingly forgotten and appropriate scripture comes to my mind.

As this New Year begins, I intend to spend more time in God’s word, not only reading, but contemplating, internalizing, and putting it into action in my life. If I need to, I will set visual reminders for myself of my covenant with God (stickies, notes on my calendar – whatever it takes).

Father, thank You for sending the rainbow after the rain as a sign of Your covenant with man. May it also be a reminder to us that You are faithful and fulfill each and every promise. Help me to always make spending time with You a priority, not only by studying Your word, but also in prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Why His and Not Mine?

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

024 Cain worked on the land and presented some of its fruits as an offering to God while Abel offered fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. Cain’s anger rose as God approved of Abel’s gift and not his own.  He saw God’s rejection and ignored the lesson.

God is very clear in His teaching to Cain:
1) In doing what is right, day by day, choice by choice, we will be accepted by God.
2) When we do not do what’s right, evil crouches at our door and if we give in to sin, we are defeated.

But God doesn’t leave it at that; through Jesus, He provides a way for us to be victorious. We not only can resist sin, but rule over it, with the strength God gives us as we seek him in everything we do, every decision we make.

Cain gave in to his sin, his anger, and killed his brother, even after God had lovingly shown him the way.

Father, I praise you because you make it possible for me to rule over sin. Because Christ has already won, all I need to do is claim the victory for myself. Thank you for your patience and love for me and help me in this year to be victorious like never before, through the strength and wisdom you provide as I seek you every step of the way. Thank you Father for giving me victory and freedom through my Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).


“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4 NIV)

Broken HeartAs I was driving to work one day last week, an overwhelming sense of mourning overtook me: mourning for broken marriages, for families torn apart; for the pain we cause ourselves and those we love.  Bad decisions, wrong choices and in an instant we turn our dreams into disappointments. We become so concerned with happiness and freedom that we disregard and neglect what we do have.

Divorce, depression, attempted suicide and mental instability are just a few of the things that plague people around me, that have touched the lives of those I know. As for me, I’m well aware of my loss – I was so sure of myself, yet I destroyed my first marriage with my own hands, broke my family apart. God has afforded me a second chance, but I live with the consequences each and every day, as do my children through no fault of their own.

It seems the future is surrounded by insecurities and doubt. The one thing I’m sure of is that I can’t be sure of anything, especially myself! Only God is faithful. Only He is true.

Dear Lord, all this loss…  I mourn for myself and those I love.  I mourn for the broken families, for the children, for the pain which remains even if eventually we make it to the other side and are “happy.”  I pray for those struggling in their marriages, for those who are looking for a way out, and for the happy marriages too.  Help us each to grow in intimacy, love, patience, understanding and friendship.  Help us to commit to our spouse and our marriage and no matter what, help us to always work out our differences. You’re the one who heals, please heal the broken and despairing hearts.  Thank You Lord, for second chances.  Thank You for Your love and patience, Your mercy and grace.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

In a Blink of the Eye

“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away.” (Psalm 39:4)

001I’m 25 years old. I have a 22-year-old daughter and an 18-year-old son. I know, I know – the numbers don’t add up. Lets try again: I was 21 when I had my daughter. 21 + 22 = 43. Unbelievable (to me), but true! As the holidays roll near, I am reminded that another birthday is just around the corner.

When I was a child, there was an elderly couple who lived next door to us. Each afternoon, they sat on their front porch surrounded by the neighborhood children who would visit, attracted by the husband’s great story-telling. On one of those afternoons, the wife told me she could read palms, and read mine*. She went on to say that I wasn’t going to have any kids (proved her wrong!), and that I was going to die in my sixties.

Today, as I looked at myself in the mirror, I remembered this second prediction; I don’t know why. My next thought was “that’s twenty years away.”

Twenty years… a lifetime!
Twenty years… a blink of the eye!

Of course I don’t believe her and her prediction. I know that I could live another twenty or forty or five or ten years. I could also die today. The fact is that no matter how many years or days are left, my time on this earth will come to an end. I need to set my priorities straight and let me actions show where my convictions and loyalties lie. I need to be very aware and live an intentional life, based on my faith and led by God.

Father, remind me that my days are numbered and help me to live each and every one according to Your will. Help me to listen for your guidance and follow your ways, so that in everything I do, say and even think, I honor You.

* The Word of God is very clear regarding fortune-tellers and psychics: “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 19:31 ESV). I understand this now. 

What is Good

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8 NIV)

The requirement the Lord places on us are so much easier than the ones we place on ourselves. When we walk with Him they become clear and with His help, they can be achieved.

To Act Justly

In dealing with any person or situation, we need to look at it through God’s eyes and not let our own feelings and emotions color our actions. We need to be fair and honest in judging others as well as ourselves and act according to God’s ways.

To Love Mercy

How can we not? God’s mercy toward us is immeasurable and totally undeserved. We receive his mercy freely and that is how we must show mercy to others. Holding grudges and resentment does no one any good, especially ourselves. Though not always easy, we must forgive and move on.

To Walk Humbly With Your God

We must acknowledge God’s greatness, His kindness and love, His mercy. We must also acknowledge our weaknesses, our faults, our sin and above all, our desperate need of Him! And, with this attitude, we must continually walk with Him, in His presence and in His ways.

My God, I love you with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). Help me to always see Your greatness and my need of You. Praise you for your mercy and love – though undeserved, I am so grateful and humbled. Thank you for your forgiveness. Teach me Your ways, so that I may always walk in them.

No, No, No

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV)

I remember babysitting my nephew “D” years ago, when he could barely walk or talk. Whenever D did something his mom didn’t like, she would softly slap the back of his hand and say “no no no.” On one of those occasions when he spent a night with me, D decided that turning the side table lamp on and off was lots of fun. I didn’t agree and kept moving him away saying no. By now, D knew better, but I don’t think he cared.  Every time I moved him away, D returned to the lamp to turn the switch on and off, on and off. And each time, while D wobbled up to the lamp, he kept slapping his own chubby little hand, saying “no no no.”

How sad to have to admit that I act the same way sometimes: though I know better, I keep on doing what I shouldn’t! Then I find it difficult to approach God. While I know that He tells us to approach Him with confidence, it is hard when I have so clearly failed again and again. I worry that my repeat sin will harden my heart towards repentance, that my stubborn rebellion will once and for all build a wall that I won’t be able to knock down!

Father I need you! I know I am far from being the woman You created me to be. But I know You will not give up because You started a good work in me and will carry it out to completion (Philippians 1:6). Please, don’t let my sin and rebellion harden my heart. Open my ears to hear Your rebukes when I do wrong and my heart to always return to You who are the only one who can rescue me. Praise you Lord, because where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (Romans 5:20). Lord, I don’t make these requests because I think I deserve them, I only dare to make them because of Your great mercy! (Daniel 9:18).

Who’s My Enemy?

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV)

This is a great reminder and reality check as to what I’m up against. So many times I see people as my enemies – whether it’s because of personal or business opposition, jealousy, anger, unfairness, or even temptation presented in the guise of a friend. I need to remember that these people are as broken and in need of a Savior as myself. The real enemy is the spiritual forces that call to my human weaknesses and desires.

Sometimes it is so hard to do what is good and right, and instead, though I don’t want to, I end up doing evil… and keep on doing it!(Romans 7:19) Like a plant which unexpectedly grows in a seemingly impossible place, so does the enemy sneak into my life while my guard is down and when I most feel secure.  I need to understand who the real enemy is and must run the Only One who can rescue me!

Thank you Father, for rescuing me from this body that is subject to death! Thank You – God, the One who delivers me, through Jesus Christ my Lord! (Romans 7:24, 25)

How do you keep vigilant and recognize the enemy as it prowls in its many disguises, ready to confuse and mislead you?

The Right Path

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

Transformation equals change. To renew is to restore, to begin again. As I read this, I am faced with the choice to hold on to my preconceptions, to my way of doing and seeing things, to the knowledge and beliefs I’ve accumulated through my life; or I can go back, clearing all notions that have been steadily ingrained in my mind and replacing them with the truth that I can only find in God and in His Word.

So often we struggle to discern God’s will for us and yet we fail to do what we must to be in touch with Him, with His ways. Spending time studying His Word and in conversation (prayer) with Him is the only way to renew our mind, and in doing so we learn to “test and approve,” to know whether we’re walking in His way or simply walking away.

Whenever I am faced with a decision that I try to reason into being right, whether because it feels right, or simply because there is really nothing wrong with it, I am reminded that it doesn’t matter if it “seems right” to me. In the end, it might just lead “to death” (Proverbs 14:12). Sometimes I can find the answer and know whether my decision is wrong by studying what God has to say about it in the Bible. Other times, it’s even more personal, because though it might not be something really wrong, it might simply be wrong for me and I will only learn of this by being in communion, through prayer, with Him who has the perfect plan and will for my life.

Lord, I want to walk in Your will for my life. I want to follow Your ways and always remain in the path You choose for me. Help me to hunger for your Word and help me to make time in prayer with you a priority in my life, a constant conversation with You. Praise you because You hear me and lead me.